1. Why Silverfish Have Chosen Your Home

FEBRUARY 24 2022 /

Why Silverfish Have Chosen Your Home

When silverfish invade, they typically do not arrive alone. If you find one, you can be sure that there are many more tucked away in hidden places that you cannot see.

Silverfish are pests that are usually born outside, and they could have chosen any house on the block! Why didn’t they choose the house down the road? Why did they choose your home to invade out of all the other houses available?

Silverfish are teardrop shape and very flat. Because of their flatness, they are able to squeeze inside book bindings, undetected, and cause damage with their chewing.

They can also cause damage to a host of other items.

Since silverfish will dine on carbohydrates, sugars, starches and cellulose, they can potentially cause damage to treasured photos, carpeting, clothing, drapes, blankets and sheets, tapestries, documents and wallpaper.

They also eat foods found in your pantry, such as sugar, coffee, pasta, flour, cereal, and any other starchy food.


Why Me?

The reason the alien-like silverfish chose your home to invade is really quite simple. Silverfish love moisture; they actually need it to survive.

So, if these creepy crawlies are hanging around inside your home, it is because they have found moisture.

Maybe you have some leaking pipes that you are unaware of; perhaps the ‘O’ ring around the bottom of the toilet needs to be replaced, or maybe water is getting in around the chimney or under a loose shingle when it rains.

It is also possible that your gutters are clogged, or perhaps the downspout is not directing water away from your foundation. Whatever the cause, silverfish have been drawn to your home for the moisture it provides.


Silverfish Warning Sign

⭐ Moisture issues around your home

If you are seeing silverfish inside, chances are they were drawn close to your home because of moisture issues.

Removing standing water and putting down crushed rock around the perimeter of your home may help make your home less inviting to silverfish.


⭐ Gaps and cracks in your foundation

When the weather outside gets too dry, or too wet, silverfish will look for shelter. Sealing up holes in your foundation and walls may help keep these invading moisture pests out.


⭐ Water damaged areas

Silverfish, especially in large numbers, could be an indication that you have areas of your home that have become water damaged.

This can lead to other issues, such as mold, and other pests gaining access to your wall voids. Repairing water-damaged areas, and making sure your gutters are not obstructed or damaged may help keep silverfish at bay.


⭐ Silverfish eat dandruff

If you have silverfish, and your have dandruff, you may wake up with these disgusting insects crawling in your hair. They may also hang out on your hairbrush or comb.


⭐ Silverfish can be startling

No one likes being startled by a creepy crawly bug. And, if you happen to be startled at just the right moment, especially on a slippery floor, where these moisture-loving pests love to hang out, you may find yourself slipping and sustaining an injury.


Why You Don't Want Silverfish In Your Home:

Aside from the obvious mildew or mold issue that moisture inevitably causes, silverfish in your home can add to your woes. Silverfish eat products that contain starch or polysaccharides.

This means that they will target anything from sugar to human hair.

They will snack on dandruff, shampoo residue, toothpaste residue, paper, book bindings, photos, and the glue that is holding up your wallpaper. They even like shaving cream!

Not only can such damages be costly, but they can actually be priceless when they decide to eat your keepsakes and heirlooms.


How To Stop Silverfish:

The best way to prevent silverfish in your home is to make sure that moisture issues are promptly handled and that you have a year-round pest control plan in place.

The Preferred Care plans here at American Pest are some of the most comprehensive and environmentally responsible plans available to protect your home all year long from the threat of silverfish and other common household invaders.

Whether you choose Preferred Care, Preferred Care Plus, or our all-inclusive Preferred Care Complete, you will receive bi-monthly visits to treat the exterior and interior of your home; and it is all backed by our Pest Free Pledge Guarantee!

To learn more about our eco-friendly, industry leading pest control options for your Washington D.C., Maryland, or Northern Virginia home, contact us today.