1. Annapolis, MD Pest Control

Annapolis Pest Control Solutions

Whether you are here in Annapolis because of your family’s Naval Academy ties or your ancestors were Puritans coming here from Virginia or a variety of other reasons, you are a fortunate person.

Annapolis is a historic part of Anne Arundel County. From our miles of waterways to the beautiful Black-eyed Susan, Annapolis (and Maryland in general) is truly a place of beauty. Beauty that is all too often marred with pests.

Unfortunately, things like bed bugs, mosquitoes, rodents, and other harmful pests choose to reside here also. Nothing can ruin your vision of a perfect Annapolis day like a pesky mosquito or a new found rodent residing on your property. Get that vision back with the pest control professionals here at American Pest.

Home Pest Control in Annapolis, MD

Keeping your Annapolis house clean, comfy, and cozy is a big yet fun task. It’s often a labor of love. We spend countless hours, tears, and dollars on our homes. From painting and repairs to vacuuming and dusting, our homes are our castles. Keeping that home pest-free can be a stressful and time-consuming task when tackled on your own.

Things like carpenter ants and termites can be causing costly and structural damages to your house undetected right under your nose. Even common insects, like mosquitoes, and rodents have the ability to bring disease into your house. And as much as anyone hates to admit it, bed bugs are a concern everywhere. Pests are certainly an issue, but they don’t have to be. With the trustworthy team here at American Pest, you can always expect and count on A+ service. We are A+ rated on Angie’s List and backed by the Better Business Bureau. We offer 3 residential pest control plans to better service all needs and budgets.


Why Annapolis Homeowners Turn To The Pros For Protection Against Wasps

Wasps are stinging insects that are common in the state of Maryland. As a local homeowner, you should be aware of the threat they pose. Wasps can cause serious problems for you and your loved ones, especially if anyone has allergies. It can lead to anaphylactic shock for some, and the fact that they’re able to sting and bite repeatedly means they inject their venom into their prey numerous times.

For these reasons, it’s imperative to protect your Annapolis home from wasp activity, and that starts with being as proactive as possible. American Pest offers extensive stinging insect control and prevention services that give you the lasting protection you’re looking for. You deserve the best, and the best source of wasp control and prevention is from the experts. Call us today to discuss our wasp services.

Looking for Annapolis Pest Control of Anne Arundel County? Don't worry, you're in the right place. In July of 2019 Annapolis Pest Control merged with American Pest in their 10th acquisition. The Annapolis crew was an exciting addition to American Pest and we were happy to have them on board!

Year-Round Rodent Control In Annapolis

Rodents enter our properties looking for sources of food, water, and shelter. They seek shelter in our homes and businesses during the colder months, making rodent infestation more prevalent in the winter. However, they are a year-round threat. Rodents breed all year long, and no matter the season, their populations grow at rapid rates.

These are disease-ridden pests that carry pathogens and bacteria, spreading germs around our properties and exposing us to serious contamination. They can also cause severe structural damage. While rodent activity may be more prominent in the colder months, the fact is they’re a problem and a presence all year long.

It’s a large-scale issue that can be very hard to deal with on your own. That’s why we suggest relying on the help of a professional pest control company. Here at American Pest, we are proud to provide comprehensive rodent control and prevention services, giving property owners year-round protection they can trust. Call us for a detailed estimate.


Commercial Pest Management for Annapolis Businesses

Here in Annapolis we have all types of businesses. There are 5 star restaurants, art galleries, staffing agencies, IT hubs, and much more. We are in the middle of a fast growing region with many outstanding business and development opportunities available to everyone.

A well-managed business can flourish here. One thing that all Annapolis businesses have to address is pests and pest control. Nothing can stop a growing business in its tracks quicker than pests can.

From word of mouth of a pest sighting to violations from the Code Enforcement office, pest pressures that are poorly handled can deliver a devastating blow to any business. Don’t take any chances on the future of your business being halted due to pest pressures.

Annapolis business owners know that the place to go for all your pest service issues is American Pest. We treat your business like it’s ours, because it is.

Without the success of your business then the success of ours is diminished. You can count on our professional team of pest control technicians to always deliver timely, discreet, and effective pest control solutions.


Termite Exterminators in Annapolis, MD

Termites are one of the costliest pests to fall victim to. These silent destroyers can enter your home or business and start destroying wooden structures quickly and quietly. As hard as it is to believe, these tiny insects can live in framework of your structures for a long time before you realize it.

Their colonies are large in number, sometimes getting to the tens of thousands. Stopping them before they choose your structure is the key to termite protection. Many over the counter termite protection products are not sufficient in controlling colony growth.

Sure, they may kill a few of the worker termites, but unless you can eradicate the queen termite, the colony will continue to grow and replace the deceased termites faster than you can kill them.

There is one sure fire way to fight termites and that’s with the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System.

Sentricon has been successfully installed in thousands of homes, businesses, and national historical properties worldwide.

The great success of this termite elimination system is due to the science behind it. It’s as simple as offering a small, irresistible bait that the termites carry back to share with the rest of their colony including the queen.

This bait kills all of the unsuspecting termites, thus eliminating the whole colony, even the queen. A simple concept that is extremely effective. Our American Pest team is proud to offer the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System.





J. Evans - Beltsville, MD

Everyone at this company is wonderful to work with - whether it’s customer service, billing, technicians and even the web team! I love this company!






Annapolis, MD Bed Bug Control Experts

Bed bugs are everywhere. There isn’t a county in the United States that hasn’t been affected by bed bugs. These hitchhiking pests are really good at getting from place to place without being noticed. They aren’t just found in beds, either.

They have been found in places like: taxis, public buses, airports, and libraries. Anywhere that people spend time is a potential place for these pests to show up.

Bed bugs are very small, about the size of an apple seed, and hide in small dark places. They only come out at night and can endure long lengths of time without a blood meal. For these reasons, and many others, bed bugs are a worthy adversary in the pest control industry for most people.

Fortunately for the people of Annapolis, American Pest has the upper hand when it comes to bed bugs. We are the bed bug experts of Annapolis, MD. We offer a complete bed bug service for finding, treating, and preventing these blood suckers.

Our trained bed bug detection dogs can sniff out all the eggs, nymphs, and adult bed bugs in your home or business, no matter where they are hiding. Our heat treatments are also the most thorough, successful, and non-invasive treatment available for bed bugs.

So, bed bugs can’t hide from our dogs or our heat treatment.

American Pest’s knowledgeable technicians armed with our trained bed bug detecting dogs and heat treatments are the perfect recipe to make your Annapolis home or business bed bug free.


How To Control Mosquitoes In Your Annapolis Yard

Mosquitoes are drawn to your Annapolis yard for various reasons, including main sources of water and harborage.

If you want to be proactive in your mosquito prevention efforts, there are some things you can do to minimize your exposure to them. Here are helpful tips to control mosquito activity:

  • Divert water away from the house by maintaining gutters and downspouts.
  • Eliminate sources of standing water (including buckets, tires, toys, pet water bowls, etc.)
  • Keep vegetation well-trimmed and keep the grass short.
  • Keep windows and doors closed when possible.
  • Repair damaged or ripped screens.
  • Use insect repellent when spending time outdoors.
  • Use window and door screens to prevent entry.
  • Wear long pants and long sleeves when possible.
  • Wear permethrin or DEET-treated clothing.


These are all great ways to reduce your exposure to mosquito activity. However, the truth is that none of them are as effective as regular services from pest professionals. American Pest offers comprehensive mosquito control and prevention services that bring you year-round protection you can depend on. Reach out to us today for all your mosquito control needs; we’re ready to help.


What The Experts Have To Say About Tick Control In Annapolis

Ticks are present all year long here in Annapolis, and they’re commonly found hiding in densely vegetated areas like tall grass, wooded paths, shrubbery, and piles of leaves. They tend to hold onto vegetation with their strong legs.

While ticks may be small, they can have some tremendous consequences. These parasites latch onto their hosts, biting and feeding on them for hours on end. Getting bitten by an infected tick can lead to dangerous diseases, such as anaplasmosis, B. miyamotoi disease, babesiosis, Bourbon virus, Colorado tick fever, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Heartland virus, Lyme disease, Powassan virus, and others.

To be proactive in your tick control efforts, there are preventative measures you can take. It would be best to use insect repellents before participating in outdoor activities and shower promptly after spending time outdoors.

Stay out of tall grass, brush, and wooded areas, and walk in the center of trails when walking, hiking, running, etc. Treat your clothing with, or buy clothing pre-treated with, permethrin, and tumble dry your clothing on high heat for ten minutes to kill off any ticks.

For year-round protection from tick activity, your best bet is to call in your local pest professionals. At American Pest, we work hard to accurately detect, exterminate, and prevent tick activity around your Annapolis property. Contact us to discuss your tick control and prevention needs.

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Call (301) 232-5845