1. Colonial Heights, VA Pest Control

Colonial Heights is a lively city located in southeastern Virginia, where festivals, restaurants, and outdoor activities make this place so interesting for families and businesses.

Visiting the Fort Clifton Arts & Craft festival, walking along the Appomattox River, and discovering antique cars at the Keystone Truck&Tractor are some of the main attractions for its residents and tourist around the country.  

But, with so many things to do out in nature, there is a high chance you will have to deal with other not-so-fun stuff, like pests.

Having Pest Control in Colonial Heights City is crucial to keeping yourself and your family safe. All of our plans offer safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly pest control solutions designed to solve pest problems and protect your home, family and pets. 

These are some of our plans:

  • Preferred Care Plan- Preferred Care offers coverage for over 30 common pests both inside and out, 6 visits each year, and includes our pest-free pledge guarantee.

  • Preferred Care Plus- The Preferred Care Plus plan has all the benefits of our Preferred Care plan plus year-round termite monitoring, so you will know if these silent destroyers are creeping onto your property.

  • Preferred Care Complete Plan- The Preferred Care Complete plan includes all the benefits of our Preferred Plus plan with termite elimination also. So, not only will you know if termites are sneaking onto your property, you will be protected from these destructive pests with our termite elimination service as well.

Should I have a Home Pest Control for my Colonial Heights City Property? 


Along with each season, there are even more pests than you could ever imagine. Ants, crickets, spiders, mosquitoes, wasps, are looking for shelter, and your home might be the perfect place for them. 


We recommend homeowners in Colonial Heights City get a year-round service. Why? It’s cost-effective and will protect you from future infestations. 


Let’s say you call us to deal with a cockroach infestation, we're going to take care of that cockroach infestation. But, a few weeks later, when you find carpenter ants have invaded, you'll be calling us again. Through our year-round service plan, we will cover over 30 common household pests with quarterly visits and extra services in between without any additional cost, including:


Common Pests in Colonial Heights, VA

What is the best way to get rid of Rodents in Colonial Heights City? 


Rodents have an incredible facility to move, reproduce, and are very hard to catch. Let’s say you set up a couple of traps, take down some mice, but one of them survives, that single rodent is going to populate your entire house, and you will have to start over again. 


At American Pest, our certified rodent control professionals will put an end to your frustration by getting rid of rats and mice inside any Colonial Heights property. Our holistic strategy includes SMART treatments, an intelligent trapping system that will effectively stop mice and rats in their tracks and keep them out of your home, one and all. 


Colonial Heights City Professonal Termites Treatment


The reason why it’s so hard to identify and treat termites is their capacity to destroy and go unnoticed for years; you won’t even see the consequences until it’s too late.


That’s why we encouraged homeowners in Colonial Heights City to get our Sentricon® Termite Elimination System.


This approach requires no liquid or drilling treatment and leaves no harmful odors behind. Instead, the Sentricon System kills the termites at their source, offering bait picked up by worker termites and brought back to the kingdom. This bait is more appealing to termites than the wood itself, making it the first thing termites salvage for their colony. The result will be the complete elimination of existing termites and the prevention of new termite colony invasions. 





C. Tracy - Charlottesville, VA

We’re continually shown this company’s dedication to the customer through knowledge sharing with an informative report of inspection that is reviewed in real-time and efforts for explaining all treatments performed."






Why you Should Get a Business Pest Control Service 


The main reason you might want to get pest control for your business is your brand reputation. Angry customers could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, especially if they were affected by any pest activity in your store.  


No matter what kind of business you’re in, we will defend it from pests and keep them out. Pests in offices and the workplace can limit productivity and reduce profits, that’s why we’ve developed a pest control program that targets the most common pests found in offices and the various workspaces your employees call home. 


Choosing us as a certified pest company will give you two credits toward the LEED “Existing Building Operations and Maintenance” certification, this means you’ll have an advantage over the competition and the peace of mind that we will take care of pests for you with little to no pesticide use.

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We align with the best, to bring you the best.


Contact Us Today!

If you have questions about our services, plans, or pricing, we are here for you. Call or fill out the form to communicate by email.

Call (301) 232-5845


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