1. Bed Bug Treatment

Bed Bug Control for Maryland, Washington D.C., and Virginia

Getting rid of bed bugs is stressful.  Tossing out an infested mattress will not solve the problem.  What you need is a bed bug control program developed by experienced entomologists.  At American Pest, our team of bed bug experts are highly trained, licensed pest control professionals who are ready to help you evict these uninvited houseguests. 

Our Approach to Bed Bug Control

What Must Be Done Prior to Your Heat Treatment?

Before American Pest will schedule a heat treatment, we must be certain that the pests infesting your home are actually bed bugs.  We’ll determine this by conducting an inspection of the premises.  We have a couple of options when it comes to bed bug inspections and they are:

Visual Inspection Performed by a Trained Pest Professional

American Pest will dispatch a pest control technician to your home to determine if bed bugs are present and if so, evaluate the severity of the infestation.  This type of bed bug inspection typically takes 20 minutes to an hour and is limited by where the technician can see.  He or she will inspect beds, furniture and other visible areas for live bugs and other signs of bed bugs.

What Causes Bed Bugs?

First, it’s important to note that bed bugs are non-discriminatory pests, they don’t care how grand or how little your home is, if it’s sparkling clean or a mess.  All they’re after is a blood meal and they can find that anywhere people congregate.   Homeowners often discover bed bugs after:

They’ve arrived home from a vacation or business trip.  Bed bugs are notorious for being found in beds and may hitch a ride on your suitcase from the airport or train station.  They can also be found on planes, trains, taxis, and other public transportation.  In fact, entomologists speculate that the rising cases of bed bug infestations may be due, in part, to increased international travel. 

Bringing home used furniture, mattresses or other secondhand items.  If you see items on the side of the road marked free, keep driving by as it could be infested and discarded by the previous owner.  You should also be careful when browsing at moving or garage sales and even at second hand stores.  If you decide that the item is a must have, inspect very carefully (paying special attention to seams) for live bed bugs or signs of them. 

Having houseguests in residence. Welcoming out of town family and friends for the holidays or just because is exciting.  It can also lead to bed bug infestations.  Your guests may have traveled on public transportation or stayed at a hotel a night or two when in route to your house.  They may unknowingly bring bed bugs into your dwelling.

Picking your college student up.  School dormitories have become a hot spot for bed bug activity and if your child hasn’t been careful, he or she could accidentally bring bed bugs back on their belongings. 

We Cover 30+ Pests.

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