1. Tick Control


Controlling ticks around your yard and keeping them off your pets and out of your home is a full-time job. We get it. That’s why the entomologists at American Pest developed tried and true tick treatments that are guaranteed to get results.

Our Approach to Tick Control in Maryland & Virginia

We approach tick control with a team of pest professionals who are trained in the unique biology of ticks and their habits. The key to solving your tick problems begins with a discussion about your needs, including the unique landscape of your yard and the area surrounding your home. Our services include monthly spray treatments for tick zones, including under decks, along fences, wooded areas, and lawns.

Why Get Tick Treatments?

There are several reasons why our customers opt for seasonal tick treatments, but few are as concerning as the real threat of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by the bite of an infected tick, after bacteria is passed from a blacklegged (deer) tick to its host. The disease will touch an estimated 3000 people in Maryland and Virginia this year and has been shown to have lifetime effects on its victims. School-aged children are among the group most at risk for Lyme disease, chiefly because they play outdoors and on lawns where deer ticks are present.

Types Of Ticks In Maryland And Virginia

Maryland and Virginia are home to four types of ticks to watch out for. These ticks roam suburban backyards and urban oasis, especially neighborhoods backing to wooded areas where wildlife and mice are present.

Helpful Tick Articles

Complete Guide To Ticks In MD, VA, And DC

Types Of Ticks In MD And VA

Recommended Solution

Mosquito & Tick - PNG

Mosquito & Tick Control Program

Mosquitoes and ticks thrive from spring to fall, which is why our Seasonal Mosquito Control plan is guaranteed to eliminate these yard pests during their peak. During the initial service, we will walk your property to identify where mosquitoes and ticks reside and breed and perform treatment to problem areas using a specialized misting system. Ongoing services continue once a month, typically March to October.

  • Monthly (7-8 Services Per Season)
  • Seasonal Coverage
  • Exterior Mosquito Treatment
  • Exterior Tick Spraying
Getting Rid Of Mosquitoes (1) Treating For Mosquitoes

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We Cover 30+ Pests.

At American Pest, we have a program that fits any home & any pest need.

J. Davies - Severn, MD

 I called American Pest because of an ant problem but they wound up treating so much more. Great conversation with the main office and the tech who came to the house was incredibly punctual, courteous, extremely knowledgeable/excited about his work. Happy to say I no longer share the house with ants or any other insects!


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D. Pryor - Silver Spring, MD

 The service technician was punctual, courteous, and very thorough. He took the time to explain each step in the process to treat our home. And, the services have resulted in a reduction/near elimination of pests in and around our home.

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L. Jones - Laurel, MD

 They were respectful workers that were excellent, timely, reasonable, and thorough. It was worth every penny!

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